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2024 Unified Carrier Registration

Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) Fees Explaination 2024

Get registered at UCR today! Don't miss out on the benefits of being a registered member.

Complete simple steps, get your UCR right after submittal. UCR, Unified Carrier...

UCR stands for Unified Carrier Registration, which is a federally mandated program for all interstate motor carriers, brokers, and freight forwarders operating in the United States. The purpose of the UCR program is to help fund state law enforcement efforts to improve highway safety, reduce motor carrier crashes, and ensure that commercial vehicles are operating in compliance with state and federal regulations.

For 2024 UCR registration, payments must be made no later than December 31, 2024.

UCR 2024 Pricing
$ 37 For 0-2 Trucks
  • 3-5 Trucks Pricing are $111.00
  • 6-20 Trucks Pricing are $221.00
  • 21-100 Trucks Pricing are $769.00
  • 101-1,000 Trucks Pricing are $3,670.00
  • 101-1,000 Trucks Pricing are $3,670.00
  • 101-1,000 Above Trucks - $35,836.00

Participating states*

AlaskaIowaMontanaRhode Island
AlabamaKansasNebraskaSouth Carolina
ArkansasKentuckyNew HampshireSouth Dakota
CaliforniaLouisianaNew MexicoTennessee
ColoradoMaineNew YorkTexas
ConnecticutMassachusettsNorth CarolinaUtah
DelawareMichiganNorth DakotaVirginia
IdahoMississippiOklahomaWest Virginia

Non-participating states include Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, Washington D.C and Wyoming.

What is Unified Carrier Registration?

The UCR is a state revenue-sharing program and interstate compact established by federal law in 2005 that requires all operators of commercial vehicles who are involved in interstate and international travel to register and pay annual fees.
Fees collected through the UCR program are used to fund the enforcement of safety and compliance programs throughout the country.

When is the Unified Carrier Registration due?

Carriers must file their UCR for the upcoming year no later than December 31 of the preceding year.

UCR filing officially opened on October 1, with payment amounts based on the size of a carrier’s fleet. It’s important to note that leased vehicles under a carrier’s DOT number are also their responsibility.

File Your Unified Carrier Registration Renewal Now

If you don’t file your annual UCR and your drivers are caught moving freight over state lines, enforcement officials could detain your vehicles, and you could be required to pay additional fines and penalties—which, depending on the state, can be as high as $5,000 for first-time offenders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just call us at 630-222-5770. We’re always here

.This annual UCR filing must be renewed by December 31st each year.

It is a federally mandated system for registering operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in North America. Whether you operate CMVs in two states or twenty, you are required to complete your UCR filing every year, as long as you meet the requirements detailed below.

It is a federally mandated system for registering operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in North America. Whether you operate CMVs in two states or twenty, you are required to complete your UCR filing every year, as long as you meet the requirements detailed below.

All CMVs that operate in interstate commerce (meaning across state lines) are required to have a valid UCR registration.

The participating States are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina.

for more info 630-222-5770

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